The Innu and their territory
Discover the heritage, way of life and traditions of the Innu through their stories and material culture.
Innu stories from the land
Welcome to Tipatshimuna: Innu Stories from the Land, a website of the Innu Nation of Nitassinan (Quebec/Labrador). Discover the thousands-year-old heritage and traditions of the Innu, whose elders have always passed on their knowledge, stories and culture to the younger generation. Follow two Innu families as they travel along their traditional Innu routes living in harmony with nature throughout the seasons, while respecting values and a way of life that harkens back to prehistoric times. Visit a gallery of Innu tools, clothing and other objects. Learn some Innu-aimun (language), and hear or read stories from Innu elders, artists and youth. Let the photos transport you with their information, stories, landscapes and people both past and present.

Mary Jane Nuna and Annie Michel, Sheshatshiu. 1963. Photo courtesy of Ray Webber and the Canadian Museum of History
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Edith Tshakapesh and Mary Ann Rich hauling boughs for the tent floor. 1963. Photo courtesy of Ray Webber