Links to Innu cultural and political organizations
You can obtain more information about the Innu by visiting these websites:
Innu language –
Innu History and Culture (Innu Nation) –
Le Musée ilnu de Mashteuiatsh –
Nametau Innu –
Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation –
Innu places names website: Pepamuteiati Nitassinat: As We Walk Across Our Land,
Mamu Tshishkutamashutau Innu Education (Innu school board) –
Innu Nation –
Sheshatshiu First Nation –
Innu Round Table Secretariat –
Innu Development Limited Partnership –
Catalogue of Innu resources
References for the Tipatshimuna web site
Adney, Edwin Tappan and Howard I. Chapelle. 1964. The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America . Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
Andrew, Angela. 2000. “Artists Know the Spirits.” In N. Byrne and C. Fouillard (eds.). It’s Like the Legend: Innu Women’s Voices . Charlottetown: Gynery Books. pp.152-155.
Armitage, Peter. 2002. Diary notes, August to October 2002 re. canoe-making by Pien Penashue, Lizette Penashue, Melvin Penashue and Alistair Pone, Sheshatshiu, Labrador. Copy provided to the Provincial Museum of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Armitage, Peter. 1992. “Religious Ideology Among the Innu of Eastern Quebec and Labrador.” Religiologiques . 6:64-110.
Armitage, Peter. 1982. Field notes, research at La Romaine, Quebec.
Burnham, Dorothy K. 1992. To Please the Caribou: Painted Caribou-skin Coats Worn by the Naskapi, Montagnais, and Cree Hunters of the Quebec-Labrador Peninsula . Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Cabot, William Brooks. 1920. Labrador . Boston: Small, Maynard & Company.
Centre de formation Nutshimiu Atusseun. nd. Akuanutin Nutshimiu-aimun . Sept-Iles: Nutshimiu Atusseun.
Clément, Daniel. 1997. “Techniques et culture chez les Montagnais de Mingan: la nomenclature des pièges.” Recherches amérindiennes au Québec . 27(1):77-91.
Drapeau, Lynn. 1999. Dictionnaire Montagnais Français . Quebec: Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Fichter, George S. 1977. How to Build an Indian Canoe . New York: David McKay Company, Inc.
Gidmark, David. 2002. Building a Birchbark Canoe: the Algonquin Wabanaki Tciman Willowdale, Ontario: Firefly Books.
Henriksen, Georg. 1973. Hunters in the Barrens . St. John’s: ISER.
Hubbard, Mina. 1981[1908]. A Woman’s Way Through Unknown Labrador . St. John’s: Breakwater Press.
Leacock, Eleanor and Nan Rothschild (eds). 1994. Labrador Winter: the Ethnographic Journals of William Duncan Strong, 1927-1928 . Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Lévesque, Carole. 1976. La culture materiélle des Indiéns du Québec: une étude de raquettes, moccasins et toboggans . Ottawa: National Museums of Canada.
MacKenzie, Marguerite. 2003. “Shoebox” dictionary for Sheshatshiu and Davis Inlet/Natuashish. Unpublished computer-based database. 24 March 2003 version.
MacKenzie, Marguerite and Bill Jacewicz. 1994. Naskapi Lexicon . Kawawachikamach, Quebec: Naskapi Development Corporation.
McKenzie, James. The King’s Posts and Journal of a Canoe Jaunt through the King’s Domains, 1808. The Saguenay and the Labrador Coast. pp.422-423. In. L. R. Masson. Les Bourgeois de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest: Récits de voyages, letters et rapports inédits relatifs au nord-ouest canadien. Québec: de l’Imprimerie Générale A. Coté et Cie. 1890.
Nash, Rick. 2002. “Building Birchbark Canoes.” In John Jennings (ed.). The Canoe: A Living Tradition . Toronto: Firefly Books Ltd. pp. 46-63.
Nutshimiu-atusseun. nd. Akuanutin Nutshimiu-aimun. Sept-Iles: Centre de formation Nutshimiu Atusseun.
Saunders, Jim. Them Days . August 1975:24,45.
Speck, Frank. 1977[1935]. Naskapi . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Speck, Frank. 1937. “Analysis of Eskimo and Indian skin-dressing methods in Labrador.” Ethnos . 2(6):345-353.
Townsend, Charles Wendell (ed.). 1911. Captain Cartwright and his Labrador Journal. Boston: Dana Estes & Company. Sixth Voyage, 1786. pp.357-358.
Turner, Lucien M. 1979[1894]. Indians and Eskimos in the Quebec-Labrador Peninsula . Quebec: Presses COMEDITEX.
VanStone, James W. 1985. Material Culture of the Davis Inlet and Barren Ground Naskapi: the William Duncan Strong Collection . Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History. Publication 1358.
VanStone, James W. 1982. The Speck Collection of Montagnais Material Culture from the Lower St. Lawrence Drainage, Quebec . Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History. Publication 1337.

Let’s Talk Innu: Community culture and language forum, Sheshatshiu. 2024. Photo courtesy of Sheshatshiu Innu School
Innu Bibliography
Antane, N. (2011). Giant’s Dream: A Healing Journey Through Nitassinan. St. John’s, NL: Creative Publishers.
Antane Kapesh, A. (2021). I Am a Damn Savage; What Have You Done to My Country? /Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu; Tanite nene etutamin nitassi?, WLU Press.
Armitage, P. (1991). The Innu (The Montagnais-Naskapi). New York: Chelsea House Publishers.
Armitage, P. (1992). “Religious ideology among the Innu of Eastern Quebec and Labrador. Religiologiques.” 6(4): 63-110. Retrieved from:
Armitage, P. (2008). Pepamuteiati nitassinat/As we walk across our land: Innu Place Names. [website].
Ashini, D. (1995). “The Innu struggle.” In Hodgins, B.W. & Cannon, K. A. On the Land: Confronting Challenges to Aboriginal Self-determination in Northern Quebec and Labrador. (pp. 28-41). Toronto, ON: Betelgeuse Books.
Bouchard, S. (2006). Caribou Hunter: A Song of a Vanished Innu Life. (J. Irving, Trans.). Vancouver, BC: Greystone Books. (Original work published 2004).
Brody, H. and Markham, N. (1991). Hunters and Bombers [Documentary film]. Canada: National Film Board,
Byrne, N., & Fouillard, C. (Eds.). (2000). It’s Like the Legend: Innu Women’s Voices. Toronto, ON: Women’s Press.
Fontaine, Naomi, (2013). Kuessipan, a novel. Arsenal Press (also a movie on CBC Gem)
Fouillard, C. (Ed.). (1995). Mamunitau staianimuanu/Gathering Voices: Finding the Strength to Help our Children – The Davis Inlet People’s Inquiry. Vancouver, BC: Douglas & McIntyre.
Gregoire, G. (2012). Walk with my Shadow. Creative Publishers, St. John’s, NL.
Henriksen, G. (1973). Hunters in the Barrens: The Naskapi on the Edge of the White Man’s World. St. John’s, NL: MUN ISER
Henriksen, G. (1993). Life and Death among the Mushuau Innu of Northern Labrador. St. John’s, NL: MUN ISER
Henriksen, G. (2009). I Dreamed the Animals. Kaniuekutat, The Life of an Innu Hunter. New York: Berghahn Books.
Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Rreport of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015, July 23). Retrieved from: ling_for_the_Future_July_23_2015.pdf
Igloliorte, N. (Producer). Igloliorte, N. & Poker, C. (Directors). (2013). Kuekuatsheu mak muak [film]. Retrieved from:
Innu-aimun: Innu Language Website, (2017). Retrieved from:
Innu Conversation. Mobile app. The Algonquian Dictionaries Project. Carleton University.
Kapesh, A. (2020). I am a Damn Savage. Wilfried Laurier University Press. Waterloo, ON.
Mamu Tshishkutamashutau Innu Education. (2018). A Catalogue of Innu Resources.
McRae, D. and Backhouse, C. (2002). Report to the Canadian Human Rights Commission on the Treatment of the Innu of Labrador by the Government of Canada.
McRae, D. and McKay, C. (2021) Follow-up Report to the Canadian Human Rights Commission on the Human Rights of the Innu of Labrador.
Mudge, A. (Director). (2013). Meshkanu: The long walk of Elizabeth Penashue [film]. Canada: Black Kettle Films. Retrieved from:
Penashue, E. (2019). Nitinikiau Innusi: I Keep the Land Alive. University of Manitba Press. Winnipeg.
Poker. C. (Producer & Director). 2010) The legend of Aiasheu [film].
Poker, C. (Producer & Director). (2012). The legend of Kaianuet [film].
Rich, G. (2017). Struggling with my Soul. St. John’s, NL: Boulder Publications and Mamu Tshishkutamashutau Innu Education, St. John’s, NL
Samson, C. (2000). “Teaching lies: The Innu experience of schooling”. London Journal of Canadian Studies. 16, 83-102.
Sampson, C. (2003). A Way of Life that does not Exist: Canada and the Extinguishment of the Innu. London, UK: Verso Press and St. John’s, NL: ISER Books.
Sampson, C. (2014). “Dispossession and Canadian Land Claims: Genocidal Implications of the Innu Nation Land Claim.” In Woolford, A., Hinton, A. & Benvenuto, J. (Eds.) Colonial Genocide in North America. (pp. 382-4160). Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Speck, F. G. (1935). Naskapi: The Savage Hunters of the Labrador Peninsula. University of Oklahoma Press.
Turner, L.M. (1979). Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory. Presses Coméditex. Québec. (originally published in 1894 by Smithsonian Institution)
Vincent, S. and Bacon, J. (2019). The Uepishtikueiau Narrative: The Arrival of the French at the Site of Quebec City According to Innu Oral Tradition. Mamu Tshishkutamashutau Innu Education. Sheshatshiu, NL.
Wadden, M. (1991). Nitassinan: The Innu Struggle to Reclaim their Homeland. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre.
Wadden, M. (2008). Where the Pavement Ends: Canada’s Aboriginal Recovery Movement and the Urgent Need for Reconciliation. Vancouver, BC: Douglas and McIntyre.
Wallace, D. (1990). The Lure of the Labrador Wild. Nimbus Publishing. Halifax (originally published in 1905 by Fleming H. Revell Company)
Yeoman, Elizabeth. (2012). “The pedagogy of translation: Learning from Innu activist Elizabeth Penashue’s diaries.” in Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies. (10) 2, pp. 36-69.
Yeoman, Elizabeth. (2022). Exactly What I Said, University of Manitoba Press
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
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