Natuashish women’s walking expedition. 2023. Photo courtesy of Navarana Tretina
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Material Culture
- Drum
- Bone paint pot
- Checker board (game)
- Dolls (toy)
- Sweat lodge (model)
- Canoe (model)
- Paint stick
- Painting tools, paint sticks
- Paint sticks
- Paint cups
- Paint cups
- Pipe, pipe cleaners
- Pipe, pipe cleaners
- Snow goggles
- Rope
- Dog trace
- Bead loom
- Bird snare
- Crooked knife
- Charm/talisman
- Charm/talisman
- Charm/talisman
- Bag
- Knife sheath
- Knife sheath
- Bag
- Bag
- Shot pouch
- Shot pouch
- Shot pouch
- Shot pouch
- Shot pouch
- Mittens
- Cap
- Cap
- Cap
- Wrap
- Knee moccasins
- Coat; cap
- Dress
- Dress, jacket and belt
- Belt
- Belt
- Belt
- Knee moccasins
- Knee moccasins
- Hip moccasins
- Leggings
- Shirt
- Coat
- Coat
- Coat
- Coat
- Coat
- Coat
- Moccasins
- Snowshoes
- Moccasins
- Birchbark container
- Boot
- Snowshoes
- Snowshoes
- Castoreum box
- Crooked knife
- Wooden spoon
- Bonnet
- Bark canoe
- Candle holder with wooden cup
- Canoe thwart tool (temporary, wooden)
- Maul (small)
- Wedge
- Wedge
- Wedge
- Wedge
- Wedge (driftwood)
- Maul (large)
- Canoe (nailed variety)
- Tea doll (male)
- Tea doll (female)
- Moccasins
- Moccasins
- Bow (2)
- Moccasins
- Bonnet
- Bonnet
- Bonnet
- Bonnet
- Bonnet
- Innu flag
- Babiche (for snowshoe webbing)
- Cup and pin game
- Pelvis bone (used traditionally as an oracle)
- Rattle
- Caribou antlers
- Caribou carving (model)
- Raft (model)
- Pendant
- Scraping/beaming tool
- Stretching board
- Stretching board
- Stretching board
- Stretching board
- Snow goggles
- Arrows
- Bow (model)
- Bow (model)
- Fleshing tool
- Ice scoop (2)
- Leister (fish spear)
- Ice chisel
- Ice chisel
- Fish hooks and line
- Bone netting needles (2) & bone awl for snowshoes webbing (1)
- Wooden spoon or ladle
- Snow shovel
- Snow shovels (2)
- Paddles
- Sled (catamaran)
- Sled (catamaran)
- Sled (catamaran)
- Toboggan
- Toboggan
- Snowshoes - two bar, bearpaw
- Snowshoes - two bar, bearpaw
- Snowshoes - two bar, bearpaw
- Innu tent & shaking tent diorama
- Innu dwellings diorama
- Hat
- Wall-hanging
- Bonnet
- Knee moccasins
- Knee moccasins
- Moccasins
- Moccasin inserts (duffle)
- Moccasins (various pairs)
- Mittens (miniature, caribou-hide)
- Dress (print)
- Socks (wool)
- Wall-hanging (clothing)
- Wall-hanging (clothing)
- Wall-hanging (clothing)
- Wall-hanging (clothing)
- Tea doll (infant)
- Tea doll (female)
- Tea doll (female)
- Tea doll (female)
- Tea doll (female)
- Tea doll (male)
- Tea doll (female)
- Bird bones
- Otter carving (model)
- Wolf carving (model)
- Fox carving (model)
- Muskrat carving (model)
- Skin coat
- Moccasins with leggings - ushpuakanassina
- Bear-claw necklace
- Skin hat
- Snow goggles
- Tobacco pouch
- Dog harness
- Snowshoes - wooden plank (model)
- Model caribou corral
- Dog whip
- Fish hook
- Fish hooks and line
- Bird snare (gray jay)
- Arrow
- Arrow
- Arrow
- Bird arrow
- Beaver caller
- Bow
- Spear
- Spear
- Pin and boughs (cup and pin) game
- Snowshoes - beaver tail
- Candle holder with wooden cup
- Needle case
- Crooked knife
- Wedge
- Meat hook
- Meat hook
- Whetstone
- Mallet
- Mallet
- Snow shovel
- Bundle of needles
- Bone awl
- Bone awl
- Bone gauge
- Wooden dish/bowl
- Pestle
- Pestle
- Pestle
- Bead loom
- Scratching stick
- Kettle stick
- Ladling spoon
- Fire tongs
- Fleshing tool
- Fleshing tool
- Fleshing tool
- Fleshing tool
- Scraping/beaming tool
- Skin tobacco bag
- Wooden stencil
- Wooden stencil
- Wooden stencil
- Paint sticks (wooden)
- Moccasin tops (vamps)
- Hunting coat
- Hunting coat
- Sling shot
- Ball
- Snowshoes
- Fleshing tool
- Ammunition pouch
- Snowshoes
- Moccasins
- Tea doll
- Moccasin tops (vamps)
- Pendant
- Moccasins
- Moccasins
- Tea doll
- Moccasins with leggings
- Hunting coat, skin
- Leggings
- Leggings
- Sling
- Strut for adjusting ribs
- Snare
- Mallet
- Toboggan
- Fish net (for lake trout) (model)
- otter net (model)
- Beaver net (model)
- Wooden peg with metal prongs
- Wooden spoon
- Deadfall trap (model)
- Pulling game
- Ice fishing net setting (model)
- Bird arrow
- Bird arrow
- Bird arrows (model)
- Wooden ice scoop (or ladle?)
- Wooden scoop/canoe bailer?
- Carved ball
- Rattle
- Spinning top and handle
- Paint dish
- Paint mortar
- Model teepee
- Mink carving (model)
- Wolverine carving (model)
- Spear (model)
- Paddle (model)
- Paddle (model)
- Dugout boat (model)
- Lengths of plaited cords/rope
- Skin rope
- Dolls (male and female)
- Cup and pin game
- Beaded ties
- Section of bead work
- Beaded armband
- Paint sticks (bone)
- Bone stencil
- Bone stencil
- Beaded belt
- Bundle of carved models, utensils (toys?)
- Bear carving (model)
- Toboggan (model)
- Sailor Crossing the Yardarm game
- Spinning top
- Rattle
- Martin carving (model)
- Porcupine carving (model)
- Lynx carving (model)
- Beaver carving (model)
- Wooden dolls (male and female)
- Fleshing tool
- Leggings
- Boots (skin)
- Mittens
- Fringe
- Knife sheath
- Knife sheath
- Moccasins
- Bug hat
- Belt
- Child's boot
- Hair wrappers or garters?
- Hair wrappers
- Beaded belt
- Bead fringe
- Beaded tobacco bag
- Beaded knife sheath
- Beaded knife sheath
- Hair wrappers
- Hair wrappers
- Charm (diamond shaped)
- Netting needle
- Hair wrappers
- Hair wrappers
- Venison cache (model)
- Scraper
- Mallet
- Bead loom
- Plate
- Antler scoop
- Awl
- Sinew and bone buzzer game
- Fish hook
- Fish hook
- Ochre (paint) sample
- Atinakan game board
- Pipe
- Pipe
- Mould cut from soapstone
- Whistle
- Bone paint pot
- Paint mortar
- Paint mortar
- Checker board and counters
- Bat
- Cup and pin game
- Pegs for atinakan game
- Ball
- Bead pendants or hair wrappers
- Bead pendants or hair wrappers
- Bead pendants or ear / hair ornament / hair wrappers
- Bead pendants or hair wrappers
Travel Stories
People & Places
- Wooden spoon or ladle - mishtiku-emikuan
- Toboggan - shumin-utapanashkᵘ
- Doll - innikueu
- Spear - shimakan
- Snowshoes - asham
- Sling - uepanishinan
- Caribou skin coat - pishakanakup
- Leister - uashuakanashkᵘ
- Fleshing tool - mitshikun; scraper or beamer
- Dog harness - atim-utapaniapi
- Cup and pin game, pin and boughs game - tapaikan
- Crooked knife – mukutakan
- Corral - menikan
- Canoe - ush
- Bow – atshapi / arrow – akashkᵘ