Pipe, pipe cleaners

Name (French): pipe, cure-pipe
Name (Innu): ushpuakan-kashinikaia / ushpuakan-kashinikana
Date Collected: 1920-1930
Institutions: University of Pennsylvania Museum
Catalog Number: (top to bottom): 70-9-501; 30-3-178; 30-3-179; 70-9-498 a-b
Place Made: Labrador
Collector: Frank G. Speck


Stone pipe with assorted caribou bone pipe cleaners. In Naskapi culture, stone pipes were ceremonial objects with ritual functions. Speck recorded the Naskapi word for stone pipe as “acini ucpwa’gen.” (Speck, Naskapi 1935/1977:226)  These three bone pipe cleaners are thin and delicate tools.


For a discussion of the rite of smoking, refer to Speck, Naskapi1935/1977:225-227.