Beaver net (model)

Name (French): Filet à castor (modèle)
Name (Innu): tshipanikan-amishkᵘ / amishkᵘ anapi
Date Collected: unknown
Institutions: The Rooms, Provincial Museum Division
Catalog Number: III-B-171
Place Made: unknown
Maker: unknown
Collector: unknown


Model consisting of two round stakes, slightly curved and a piece of netting (made from skin strips). Skin thong threaded around edges to keep shape. Net fastened at each corner to stakes with sinew. Model wider at one end than at other. Small circular snare made from wooden strip bound with sinew, fastened to one lower corner.

Innu Narrative:

Tshishennish Pasteen: “I haven’t seen this. It looks like a webbing to me or netting; maybe a trap for beaver at the dam?”

Damien Benuen: “What is it called?”

Tshishennish: “Tshipanikan nitshuku – the beaver’s cover trap. After the beaver is trapped, dig a hole to the beaver’s house, then wait for it by the entrance.”

Damien Benuen: “Are there two exits in a beaver dam?”

Tshishennish Pasteen: “No, just one.”

Damien Benuen: “Were there any beavers at Mushuau-shipu?”

Tshishennish: “No. Maybe there were a long time ago. Even here, there used to be some, but not too many are left. There were three beavers planted. We were told not to hunt them, and to wait three years before we were allowed to hunt them. As for the moose, he made his way to these parts. Nobody brought him here.

Other Info:

Sheshin (Rich) Rich, Munik (Gregoire) Rich, Pinamen (Rich) Katshinak and Uniam Katshinak said they have never seen this object. However, Pinashue Benuen believed it to be a small trout net. Although Tshishennish Pasteen said he had never seen such a net, he knew of its application. There are no examples of this object in the Strong and Speck collections at the Field Museum of Natural History, nor in Turner’s collection from Ungava Bay. The net would have been placed under water in front of the entrance/exit to a beaver lodge in order to trap beaver, in a way similar to body-grip (conibear) traps.  Peter Armitage note.