Candle holder with wooden cup

Name (French): chandelier
Name (Innu): uashtenipimakan ka tshimitet
Date Collected: unknown
Institutions: The Rooms, Provincial Museum Division
Catalog Number: III-B-105
Place Made: unknown
Maker: displayed as example of Naskapi domestic equipment
Collector: unknown


Card stated this object’s production was due to European influence. Hollow tubular holder made from antler with marrow forming the bottom. Wooden cup (approximately 1.75″ high and 1″ across the mouth fits into holder.


MacKenzie Shoebox dictionary 2003. Nutshimiu-atusseun. nd. Akuanutin Nutshimiu-aimun. Sept-Iles: Centre de formation Nutshimiu Atusseun.

Innu Narrative:

“Yes, uastepimakeashkᵘ ketshimetakanua (candle holder). They made things with all kinds of ideas, the people in the past.”  Sheshin (Rich) Rich

“This is called uastepemakeaskᵘ katshimitet (candle holder).” Pinamen (Rich) Katshinak

Other Info:

Nutshimiu-atusseun provides a diagram (p.75) in which uashtenitamakanashku-mishtiku (candle-holder) is depicted. The holder consists of a stick stuck into the dwelling floor. The candle can either be tied to this stick, or else secured in hot wax to the top of the stick.

MacKenzie Shoebox dictionary lists uashtenimakan-mishtiku and uashtenipimakan-mishtikw as “candle, candle holder, stick candle is tied to (for use in tent)” and uashtenipimakanashkas “candle; taper.”

Drapeau lists uashtenitamakanashkᵘ as “chandelle, bougie (candle, taper).”

Need to verify identity and name of object.