Set of four long, thin bone needles without eyes (possibly knitting needles) tied together with skin thong.
Lynn Drapeau. 1999. Dictionnaire Montagnais-français. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l’Université du Québec. MacKenzie Shoebox dictionary 2003.
Innu Narrative:
“In the past, knitting needles were made also. They were made out of any metal, and this is before people had knitting needles.” Pinamen (Rich) Katshinak
These are asimatanikeapiskua (knitting needles) – Munik (Gregoire) Rich.
“These look like asematanikeapiskua (knitting needles).” Sheshin (Rich) Rich
Other Info:
Drapeau (1999) lists mitashiapiu-assikuman as “broche à tricoter” (knitting needle), assimatam as “il tisse qqch (he weaves something),” and assimataikan as “tricot (knitting).”
MacKenzie lists assimatanikeapishkᵘ as “knitting needle.”